DHL vs Seur details

DHL Seur
Meta description DHL is the global market leader in the logistics industry. DHL commits its expertise in international parcel, express, air and ocean freight, road and rail ... Empresa líder en envíos de paquetes y mensajes nacionales e internacionales. Envíos urgentes y transporte urgente. Consulta precios y haz tu envío online.
Total websites 372,073 9,103
Total websites in alexa top 1M 17,541 382
Popular countries Germany, United States, China, United Kingdom, Netherlands Spain, France, Netherlands, Germany, United States
Popular technologies jQuery, Open Graph, core-js, Google Analytics, PHP jQuery, PHP, MySQL, Google Analytics, Google Font API
Popular couriers DHL, UPS, FedEx Seur, Correos, SEUR
Popular payment providers PayPal, American Express, MasterCard PayPal, VISA, MasterCard
Popular categories Clothing & Accessories, Home & Garden, Hardware Home & Garden, Hardware, Clothing & Accessories

DHL vs Seur trends on ShopRank

Month New websites DHL New websites Seur Lost websites DHL Lost websites Seur
2024-06 0 0 0 0
2024-05 4028 83 5085 142
2024-04 2966 76 3197 111
2024-03 3402 119 5146 238
2024-02 4354 154 7227 132
2024-01 11049 182 11718 233

DHL vs Seur alexa rank distribution

# 1 - 10K 1 - 100K 1 - 500K 1 - 1M 1 - 3M
DHL websites count 131 1,523 8,811 17,541 29,540
Seur websites count 2 37 236 382 573

DHL comparisons

Seur comparisons